Oh My Godness
man u were right about one thing and i mean the tittle :D it was a nightmare ! but in the good meaning od this word heh
minimal ? damn it is so hard ^_^
i prefer some faster tune with more variations anyway this track sounds good i just didnt like the melody synth that enters and go down on the end .. maybe it just need'ed more progressive style or some other effects on it to make it sound better ..
also the sound lvs are 2 big i mean , u should use some compressors and maybe soft clippers :D
i can be wrong since im not listening to this kinda music and it all can be part of this genre..
overall this track is awsome if u listen to it very loud :D i just did it , i think i can have trouble now ... some neighboor knocking to my door must end this review now +)
cyu around